Hmm, your Extra needs some work. Because your choice of Gusto monsters is similar to my deck's, you may have a difficult time actually making Sphreez or Falcos (in fact, I don't really see a way of making Falcos at all...). Definitely swap out one of your Sphreezes for a second Gulldos, and take out Falcos for something else (maybe Mist Wurm? or another Xyz monster). Also, Emeral is okay here... but he's actually not run in very many Gusto builds, which is kinda funny lol. Simply because Rank 4s are again tougher to make. Keep him if you have nothing else.
As for generics, definitely DEFINITELY Vulcan over Psyhemuth. And Black Rose over Ancient Fairy Dragon (because you don't run any field spells, so Ancient Fairy Dragon becomes nothing more than a wall). Also maybe try either Stardust or Scrap over Thought Ruler? Reason being that they're dragons, so can actually be made with Debris Dragon.
I'm assuming that you're making this in real life, however, since you mentioned going to locals. So if you don't have some or any of these then I guess it's okay.
Main deck looks pretty good now though!