Well... I can definitely see a few things wrong with this deck. First of all, what exactly is the role of the Charmers in here other than just to be a Charmer deck? You can't really use their effects without any way of manipulating your opponent's attributes, and they're not exactly reknowned for their stats lol. So as much as you'd not like to hear this, I think they could be taken out for other things. Either that or focus the deck more on them in some way.
As far as standard Exodia decks go, you're also missing a few important cards like Gold Sarcophagus, One Day of Peace, Dark World Dealings, etc., and you should probably add some way to get back the pieces from the graveyard should you lose them from your hand - stuff like Backup Soldier, Monster Reincarnation, or Dark Eruption. Also with all those Continuous Trap Cards, I'd have at least suspected you add 3 Magic Planters (though you for sure do NOT need Scrubbed Raid at 3, and Skill Drain + CardCar D is a really weird combination imo), and it could also give you access to Call of the Haunted, which is good for reusing your Emissarys. Take out Prohibition too; it's only good for side decking. But in the end it's up to you what choices you make here.